- Doors open at 7:15 AM, tardy bell is at 7:45 AM. Any kids not dropped off before 7:45 AM will need to be walked into the front office by a parent.
- Morning Drop Off for all kids is in the front of the school (after buses depart) or the Lorenz driveway.
- During Morning Drop Off right turns are permitted off of Lorenz into the school driveways, so please do not block intersections.
- Students should exit on the passenger’s side of the car in the drop-off lane.
- Please be mindful of your speed in the Lorenz driveway.
- Reminder: The school zone is for hands-free devices only. Thank you for helping to ensure that our students and staff are safe!
In order to keep things moving, parents should NOT EXIT the vehicle in the drop-off lanes. Staff will assist in getting kids out of cars.
- Pick up lines are one-way on Lorenz from Nacogdoches. There are NO RIGHT TURNS off Lorenz during dismissal.
- PreK and MiniMules Pick up in Front of the School (after the buses have departed), and the line will form on Lorenz at the "PreK Pick-Up Sign" to allow for all buses to safely load and depart prior to parent pickup.
- Kinder Pick up is in the Lorenz Driveway. Kinder pick up line is a double line in the driveway and the line will extend along Lorenz single file towards Nacogdoches.
- Please display your car/visor tag each day (will receive at Meet the Teacher).
- Please be patient and kind while waiting in line.
- Please be mindful of your speed in the Howard driveway and on Lorenz.
- Thank you for helping to ensure that our students and staff are safe!
Upcoming Events
- Tuesday, February 25
- Monday, March 3
- Tuesday, March 4
- Wednesday, March 5
- Thursday, March 6
- Friday, March 7
- Friday, March 21
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We are so thankful to the sponsors that support Howard Early Childhood Learning Center! A special thank you to the following Howard Hay Day 2024 Sponsors:
Presenting Sponsor:
Platinum Sponsors:
For more information on how to become a Hay Day Sponsor CLICK HERE.